
Nine Letter Word Challenge -Make Words

Are you up to our latest word puzzle challenge #12?

Can you make at least five different words by using the nine letters (H,A,P,G,D,X,Y,I and T) seen in the image below.

make words from these nine letters, H,A,P,G,D,X,Y,I and T

NOTE: (a) There are 3 possible 5 letters word in H,A,P,G,D,X,Y,I and T
(b) 19 possible 4 letters words
(c) 53 possible 3 letters words

Leave your answers in the comment section

Word Puzzle #12 Answers

Previous Five Word Challenge

Answer To Previous Word Challenge

make words challenge from these nine letters,Q-A-V-T-U-C-L-J and T

5 Letter Word: vault

4 Letter Words: caul, cult, latu, tact, talc, taut, ulva, vatu

3 Letter Words: act, alt, att, cat, cut, jut, lac, lat, lav, luv, qat, qua, taj, tat, tau, tav, tut, uta, vac, vat, vau

More Challenging Free Games
Daily Crossword,   Word QuizCandy RainButterfly KyodaiCuberr 

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Our Latest Word Challenge _ Plus New Games Added! is pleased to announce a few more fun and challenging games for you to play!
  1. Daily Crossword
  2. Butterfly Kyodai
  3. Word Quiz
  4. Candy Rain 5
  5. Cuberr

Are you up to our latest word game challenge?

Can you make at least five different words by using the nine letters (Q-A-V-T-U-C-L-J-T) seen in the image below.

NOTE: (a) There are 1 possible 5 letters word in Q,A,V,T,U,C,L,J and T
(b) 8 possible 4 letters words
(c) 21 possible 3 letters words

Leave your answers in the comment section

Previous Five Word Challenge

Answer To Previous Word Challenge

6 Letter Word: admixt, digamy, mighty

5 Letter Words: admit, admix, amity, dight, might, thymi

4 Letter Words:adit, amid, dita, gadi, gait, gamy, ghat, magi, maid, math, maxi, mity, mixt, myth, taxi, tidy, yagi

3 Letter Words: ahi, aid, aim, ait, ami, dag, dah, dam, day, dig, dim, dit, gad, gam, gat, gay, ghi, gid, git, gym, had, hag, ham, hat, hay, hid, him, hit, mad, mag, mat, max, may, mid, mig, mix, tad, tag, tam, tax, thy, yag, yah, yam, yid


New Word Challenge-A Fun Way To Kill Time

Are you up to our latest challenge?

Looking for a fun yet challenging way to kill time?

Can you make at least five different words by using the nine letters seen in the image below, H,A,I,G,S,T,Y,X AND M.

NOTE: (a) There are 3 possible 6 letters word in H,A,I,G,S,T,Y,X AND M
(b) 6 possible 5 letters words
(c) 17 possible 4 letters words
(d) 47 possible 3 letters words
Can you find them?

Leave your answers in the comment section

Previous Five Word Challenge


Answer To Previous Word Challenge

9 Letter Word: challenge

7 Letter Word: nacelle

6 Letter Words: achene, allege, callee, cellae, change, chelae, encage, enlace, glance

5 Letter Words: agene, aglee, allee, anele, angel, angle, cella, chang, chela, clang, clean, eagle, glace, glean, hance, hence, henge, lance, leach, leech, legal

4 Letter Words: ache, acne, agee, alec, alee, cage, call, cane, cell, clag, clan, each, eche, egal, elan, gaen, gale, gall, gane, gene, ghee, glee, glen, haen, hale, hall, hang, heal, heel, hell, lace, lane, lang, leal, lean, lech

3 Letter Words: ace, age, ale, all, ane, can, cee, cel, eel, ell, eng, gae, gal, gan, gee, gel, gen, hae, hag, hen, lac, lag, lea, lee, leg, nae, nag, nah, nee, neg

More Challenging Free Games
Daily Crossword,   Word Quiz,  Candy Rain  Butterfly Kyodai Cuberr 


Today's Word Challenge - Are You Up To It!

Are you up to our latest make words challenge?

Can you make at least five different words by using the nine letters (C,H,A,L,L,E,N.G and E) seen in the image below.


NOTE: (a) There are 1 possible 9 letters word in C,H,A,L,L,E,N.G and E)
(b) 1 possible 7 letters words
(c) 9 possible 6 letters words
(d) 21 possible 5 letters words
(e) 36 possible 4 letters words
(e) 30 possible 3 letters words

Leave your answers in the comment section

Previous Five Word Challenge

Answer To Previous Word Challenge

7 Letter Word: pranked

6 Letter Words: bander, banked, banker, barked, barned, bedpan, braked, danker, daphne, darken, debark, hander, hanked, hanker, harden, harked, harken, harped, narked, pander, parked, phreak, ranked, repand

5 Letter Words:ardeb, arpen baked, baker, baned, barde, bared, beard, brake, brand, brank, bread, break, debar, denar, drake, drank, drape, hared, heard, kebar, kheda, knead, naked, padre, paned, pared, pekan, prank, raked, raped, raphe, redan, rehab

4 Letter Words: abed, ahed, ankh, aped, aper, bade, bake, band, bane, bank, bard, bare, bark, barn, bead, beak, bean, bear, bend, berk, brad, brae, bran, bred, bren, dank, darb, dare, dark, darn, dean, dear, dhak, drab, drek, earn, epha, hade, haed, haen, hake, hand, hank, hard, hare, hark, harp, head, heap, hear, herb, herd, hern, kane, kaph, karn, kbar, kerb, kern, khan, knap, knar, nabe, nape, nard, nark, neap, near, nerd, pane, pard, pare, park, peak, pean, pear, pend, perk, rake, rand, rank, rape, read, reap, rend, rhea

3 Letter Words: and, ane, ape, arb, are, ark, bad, bah, ban, bap, bar, bed, ben, bra, dab, dah, dak, dan, dap, deb, den, ear, edh, end, era, ern, had, hae, hap, hen, hep, her, kab, kae, kea, ken, kep, nab, nae, nah, nap, neb, pad, pah, pan, par, pea, ped, peh, pen, per, rad, rah, ran rap, reb, red, rep

More Challenging Free Games
Daily Crossword,   Word Quiz,  Candy Rain  Butterfly Kyodai Cuberr 

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